Teaching of geospatial data, methods and applications at the University of Turku ranges from basic undergraduate level courses (BSc, MSc) to specialized doctoral level courses (PhD) and professional coaching related to degree studies in general. We also educate future primary and secondary school teachers (MSc) with geospatial skills.
Geospatial education is a balanced combination of theoretical and practical teaching, with hands on skills training combined with scientific skills to model the world with geospatial data. Most of the geospatial teaching is using open data and open-source software, but we also provide specialized training using proprietary software, teach students to collect location-based data in the field and search data sets via different repositories and archival sources.
Undergraduate courses are provided mainly by the Geography Section at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and they introduce students broadly into the themes of geospatial data, methods and applications in today’s society. Courses at the BSc level give students basic scientific and practical knowledge of digital data sources, geospatial data management, analyses and visualization.
While basic-level teaching focuses on securing students’ technical and methodological skills, at the advanced level, students deepen their theoretical and conceptual skills, and focus on specific geospatial applications in the society, usually within their own subject field studies. Multidisciplinary problem-based learning is applied in various innovation and team work -based courses, which gather students from different disciplines to solve location-related problems in the society. Increasingly we link innovation and business education to real-world geospatial data and problems through capstone projects, Mapathons, Hackathlons and a like. Here, we build strong linkages of education to the needs of the society at large and possible employers of the graduates.
Through personal coaching and well-planned implementation of the curricula, we encourage students to build themselves strong but also individualistic geospatial expertise profiles, which address current needs in the society and seek innovative research solutions for the future.
We are happy to answer questions related to teaching and give advice of how to include geospatial skills into your study plan.
Geospatial courses and degree training at UTU
Bachelor level courses:
Department of Geography and Geology
MAAN6080 Geoinformatiikan perusteet (Introduction to geoinformatics, in Finnish), 5 ECTS
MAAN6734 Kaukokartoitusmenetelmät (Remote sensing methods, in Finnish), 5 ECTS
MAAN6732 Paikkatietomenetelmät (Geospatial methods, in Finnish), 5 ECTS
GEOL1125 3D-mallinnuksen perusteet, 5 ECTS
Section of Economic Geography
TM51/TJ17/LOG15 Paikkatietomenetelmät liiketoiminnassa I (GIS in Business I, in Finnish), 6 ECTS
Degree Program of Cultural Production and Landscape Studies
MATU1097 Paikkatiedon käyttö maisemantutkimuksessa (GIS in Landscape studies, in Finnish), 5 ECTS
Master’s level courses:
Department of Geography and Geology
MAAN7760 Specialization in Geospatial Research 5 ECTS
MAAN7340 Participation, Spatial Planning and GIS, 5 ECTS
MAAN7764 Geospatial Data Management and Visualization, 5 ECTS
MAAN7762 Remote Sensing of Environment, 5 ECTS
MAAN7761 Applied Geospatial Methods, 5 ECTS
GMIN3030 Geological 3D-modelling, 5 ECTS
Section of Economic Geography
TMS51/TJS10 Paikkatietomenetelmät liiketoiminnassa II (GIS in Business II, in Finnish), 6 ECTS
Department of Biology
EKOL4320 Spatial Biodiversity Informatics and Landscape Ecology (in English), 5 ECTS
At Master’s level Students can also choose specialize to Geospatial research by choosing MAAN7760 and other Master’s level courses up to 20 ECTS.
More information on the courses can be found from the study guide Peppi

Getting familiar with online climate data services during the Methods in Remote Sensing -course.

Stratigraphical and sedimentological research of quaternary deposits in Kemi as a part of the Sedimentology Field Camp field course 2018 organised jointly by the universities of Helsinki, Oulu and Turku.

Collecting point data and attribute information on the pleasant and unpleasant locations in Turku city center as a part of the Introduction to geoinformatics -course.

GI education for Tanzanian collaborators at the Geography section, Turku.