The Finnish University Network for Geoinformatics FIUGINET is the collaboration forum for academic research, teaching and interaction with the society in the field of geoinformatics. The aim of the network is to coordinate, boost, develop and support university level research and teaching by the means of acquiring and distributing data and software resources and through training, collaborative projects and advancing the development of an international network. The network advances interdisciplinary co-operation both within the network and more broadly in the academic world. Moreover, the network serves as a communication channel within the academia and to the society.

The University of Turku is a founding member (est. 2008) of FIUGINET. In total, it consists of seven Finnish universities promoting development of shared research data and infrastructural needs. FIUGINET organises annually 1-2 day gathering of geospatial scientists in the National Geoinformatics Research Days (Geoinformatiikan tutkimuspäivät). Moreover, it maintains Geoportti, the Hub for Finnish Geospatial Research and Education Resources, that was opened for public in the spring 2019.

For further information, visit at FIUGINET website.