Copernicus Academy activities at UTU

As part of the Copernicus Academy Network, we are interested in:

  • Interested in developing higher education open-access learning solutions (methods) and materials (on-line), which would allow wider intake of Earth Observation solutions in the university education and research, and in our stakeholder cooperation (participatory geospatial solutions). We involve our Digital Futures platforms and our existing stakeholder networks and events into this development and focus both on the basic level potential (to be able to involve citizens and school classes) as well as more demanding research-led potential (eg. environmental modelling). developing competences, which feed into establishment of geospatial innovations, spin-offs and novel data solutions, jointly with public and private sector actors and in direct contact with citizens through their participation to geospatial hackathons and mapathons.

  • Aiming to develop internship possibilities for our students with EO companies and actors in Europe and our interests are also in engaging Global South actors into the Copernicus user-community and activities, since we have strong emphasis also on geospatial research and education in the Global South and especially Africa and South America


1) Innovation events and competition materials


BalticSatApps is a project where users of Earth Observation data and developers can meet. The goal is to achieve better results from the European Copernicus Programme data.

WeSeaChallenge is an open idea competition, where novel solutions for supporting the sustainable planning and monitoring of marine environment are sought. We want to involve diverse talents around the Baltic Sea to come up with their ideas. Whether you are inspired by science, business, technology, design, communications, or merely of personal interest, you are welcome!

Copernicus -infokit and useful links


2) Development of remote sensing and geospatial education at UTU

We are integrating copernicus data and tools into BSc, Msc and PhD education at UTU via following courses:

3) Global South cooperation

The Resilience Academy aims to equip young people with the tools, knowledge, and skills to address the world’s most pressing urban challenges and ensure resilient urban development. An initiative led by dedicated faculty of five academic institutions from Tanzania and Finland.