Researchers at the department of geography and geology at University of Turku have received funding from the Academy of Finland for two projects working with geospatial data and methods. The projects focus on very different phenomena, going from urban green
WeSeaChallenge – a healthy and productive Baltic Sea with open satellite data?
Would you like to contribute solutions for a healthy and productive Baltic Sea? Join the WeSeaChallenge and bring solutions powered by open satellite data. You can find more information from the image below or download the flyer here. Registration to
Developing a regional Spatial Data Infrastructure in Southwest Finland since the 1990s
UTU Geospatial Labs has been involved in the development of a regional Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) in Southwest Finland since the end of 1990s. The regional collaboration is organized though the Lounaispaikka network together with other regional actors. Currently Lounaispaikka
Join the UTU Geospatial Labs mailing list!
The UTU Geospatial Labs mailing list is now open for all interested actors. We welcome you all to join to receive information on the latest activities, events and news related to geospatial research, education and collaboration at the University of
ClearTouch Interactive 6065U touch screen now available for use.
UTU Geospatial Labs has a new touch screen ClearTouch Interactive 6065U (size 65″, to support interactive teaching and research. Touch screen is a tool for collaboration and planning around geospatial data, and much more, and supports also communication in
The Finnish Geospatial Research and Education Hub Geoportti is now open!
Geoportti is a service for researchers, teachers and students using geospatial data and computing tools. UTU Geospatial Labs and the Department of Geography and Geology has been an active partner in the development of the service as a part of oGIIR